Welcome to the New Site
As you can see we’ve been busy rebuilding the site from the ground up! We’re well over a 100 episodes now and have an extensive collection of Discovered Documents that we needed to get organized and searchable.
You’ll notice the TNG face lift, but not to worry if you were a fan of the classic look, the site will still use that style when browsing any of The Original Series episode pages. The episodes have a nifty little player to listen to them right under the episode screenshot, which can be clicked if you want to zoom in. Whenever there are Discovered Documents related to an episode, they will show up right on the episode page along with a tag list for exploring related content and a comments section so we can hear back from you.
You should have no problem finding old episodes in our new episode archive, and if you’re looking for Discovered Documents, they’re more fun than ever to browse from the Documents page as well as using the tag lists and the search feature. The Discovered Documents are all thumb-nailed and conveniently open up in a slideshow box for easy viewing from page to page.
So dig in and let us know what you think or what else you’d like to see!
Love the new site design, especially the TNG look while maintaining the TOS for those episodes!
I love the TNG design since it mirrors the uniforms. Simple and elegant. Props for keeping the original theme for TOS. Great job!!
So it does. I thought it was the website equivalent of that dress everyone was obsessed with a few weeks ago
Yes, one minute the site is blue, the next minute it’s gold. And occasionally it’s even red to mix it up.
Me too, awesome that you saved the old TOS design, it is truly kick-ass. Also a neat tie-in with the disc docs. I’d like to see a more detailed, TNG based layout later, but the uniform colors are sweet for the time being!
I like the new site, new yet classic enough with obvious TOS roots (I love Okuda-grams but I’ve seen a bit too many).
Big fan of Mission Log, often re-listen to pick out gems I missed on first airing. Nice site, Love the show !
Thank! (And thanks to our amazing designer.) Fortunately, the TOS episodes still show up in their original TOS-style template as well which means we get the best of both worlds.
Hehe saw what you did there, my fav episode, can’t wait for that review!
Wow! Major upgrade indeed! Now I won’t be posting comments on Facebook any more. Looks like everything’s here. I really like the revert back to the old backgrounds for TOS and TAS episodes. Nice. And I agree I’d like to have a more detailed TNG background, though the uniform colors are (amazingly) immediately recognizable.
Oh, and John, “The Best of Both Worlds” isn’t until the end of Season 3. Don’t jump the timeline
See, I knew someone would say that!
Please do continue to join us at Facebook, though! Probably different conversations to be had there. We’ll keep an eye on both.
Totally agree.
I prefer the red over the blue. Mostly because blue is associated with peace, and red passion. At least it is in the Luscher Color Test. Everything else is simple and easy to access. Well done.
You all know me…wait, wrong genre.
Loving the site, but still waiting on my shirt.
New site looks great, guys! Major improvement. Keep up the good work.
Thank you, Paul – and thanks to our designer who has more talent than should be allowed in one person.
Just over an hour in and I’m laughing more than usual. Thanks you. (I need all the guffaws I can get)
New to Mission Log… I’m always the last to find out about anything interesting going on in the world and so of course I’m so far behind that these podcasts will have been completed and mothballed before I can catch up. I’m like Sister Mary Robert from SISTER ACT… “All my life everybody seems to be doing or catching on to things a second faster and better than me.” But I just wanted to give my two cents and tell everybody working on this project that I’ve been enjoying playing catch up this past week… except just now I can’t seem to get any of the audios to play. Hmmm.
A few days ago I started listening to them and the first one I chose was Star Trek II; I thought it was rather fitting after getting to spend a little time with Nicholas Meyer a few months ago at a museum that I manage. Maybe some day I’ll share some humorous anecdotes about it. I’m off to try to listen again.
Documents ought to be linked to from the episode on which they were discussed. Couldn’t believe this wasn’t the case when I came looking for something today! John and Ken do such tremendous work unearthing interesting stories from the production side, and it’s a shame that listeners miss out on that unless they know exactly what they should be looking for. Ideally, on the technical level, this is something your site would handle using metadata/tagging behind the scenes, rather than creating manual links (otherwise, the links break if the file system ever changes).
Hey Max – I hope you’ve seen some changes on the site. We do indeed have documents linked from episodes (i.e. the Patrick Stewart memo is linked from the Wil Wheaton interview), and the metadata tags should work for all types of media on our site. If you find specific places where that isn’t working or where we can update, please let us know. Thanks!
This site produced by the man who made this:
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