The Orville
The Orville “A Tale of Two Topas”
The Crew of The Orville excavates the ruins of an ancient civilization as Topa uncovers the truth about their past. This week A Tale of Two Topas goes into The Mission Log!
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First, did they even consider calling this one “A-Moclan Time,” like, at all?
Also, regarding the idea that Topa’s “If they want me to be a male I’ll be a male” comment possibly masking another consideration of suicide, I have a different take on that. I feel it definitely was a possibility, though I don’t see real evidence of it. I was even looking for it at the time. But in the end I think that there are two main and significant factors in Topa’s life that drastically differentiate her mindset at that time from the time when HE (because at the time that’s what he thought he was) was interviewing Isaac about his suicide attempt.
First, at the time Topa knew he was different but didn’t know how. Now she is fully aware of who and what she is.
And this time she fully knows that she has the love and support of one if not both of her fathers, even if she still feels a little betrayed by Bortus for the lie.
The presence of both that existential answer and the knowledge that she no longer needs to feel alone, in my reading of the situation, pushes her well above the line where I worry for her safety and allows me to simply worry about her personal well-being.
But that’s only one interpretation.
Thanks Ryan!
AMoc-lan Time…That’s pretty good! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts on this episode! There was so much to talk about that we could’ve filled several hours. I guess only Topa, and the writers, know where her mindset was at that time.
You made some great points which make a lot of sense. Looking at real world applications of the lessons learned on the show, I feel like the safest and best course of action is to get people involved if there are any concerns at all about self harm or suicide. The way the crew rallied around Topa was inspirational and I’m glad we never had to find out how Topa would have spent her life if she had been denied the opportunity to undo what was done without her consent.
Thanks for listening and keep the comments coming!!