Supplemental 04
Supplemental 17
Supplemental 11
Working at Quark’s Bar is tough, but Quark doesn’t seem to care. When Rom has had enough, he’s inspired to do something that breaks thousands of years of Ferengi tradition – unionize! Norma Rae, meet Bar Association on Mission Log.
Tags: Bar Association, Barbara J. Lee, Broik, Brunt, coal mine, darts, Deep Space Nine, Deep Space Nine Season 4, Emilio Borelli, employment, Ferengi Commerce Authority, Frool, gree-worms, Grimp, Guild of Restaurant and Casino Employees, holosuite, insurance, Ira Steven Behr, Jason Marsden, Jeffrey Combs, Jennifer A. Lee, Labor, Leeta, Les Miserables, LeVar Burton, Morn, Nausicaan, Norma Rae, Pennsylvania, Robert Hewitt Wolfe, Sean O'Brien, sick days, sick leave, snail juice, Time of Cleansing, tooth sharpener, Tower of Commerce, union, unionize, vacation, wages, workforce