Random Thoughts
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Penny for your thoughts? What’s kicking around in B’Elanna’s head is worth a whole lot more on a planet full of telepaths. The thoughts in Tuvok’s mind? Priceless. Painful, too. Mission Log has Random Thoughts.
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Tags: 1984, Alexander Singer, arrest, black market, Bobby Burns, brig, censorship, culture, date, engrammatic purge, exploration, Frane, George Orwell, Guill, Gwyneth Walsh, interrogation, investigation, Jeanette Miller, Kenneth Biller, knife, law, Malin, Mari, market, marketplace, memory, mind, mind meld, Mission Log, murder, Nimira, pain, podcast, Prime Directive, psyche, punishment, Random Thoughts, Rebecca McFarland, stab, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek Voyager Season 4, subconscious, Talchok musk, Talli, Ted Barba, telepath, telepathy, through crime, Time of Awakening, trade, violent, violent thoughts, Wayne Péré
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