False Profits
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Given a chance, a couple of Ferengi could exploit a whole planet. That’s exactly what happens in the Delta Quadrant until Voyager comes along and tries to dethrone these “gods” from their followers. Mission Log explores False Profits.
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Tags: Alan Altshuld, altar, Arridor, attendant, bard, Barzan wormhole, belief, bronze age, capitalism, Captain Picard, chaise, Cliff Bole, costume, Dan Shor, ear jewelry, Enterprise-D, epic poem, exploitation, eyepatch, False Profits, False Prophets, Ferengi, God, gods, Grand Nagus, Grand Proxy, greater sage, holy one, Holy Pilgrim, Holy Sage, incognito, Joe Menosky, John Walter Davis, Kafar, kidnap, Kol, Leslie Jordan, lesser sage, merchant, Michael Ensign, Mission Log, money, orator, photon burst, plastic surgery, podcast, profit, Prophet, religion, replicator, Rob LaBelle, Rules of Acquisition, seer, shoes, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek Voyager Season 3, sword, Takarian, temple, three lights, Zek
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I was surprised at how risqué the servant women’s costumes were for the 90s.
Indeed! They certainly were pushing the boundaries – in the tradition of Bill Theiss, and reinvented for the ’90s.