

Discovering the Mirror Universe

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Episode nine of Mission Log Live covers episode ten of Star Trek: Discovery – “Despite Yourself.” This week, your questions and comments about Discovery’s trip into the Terran Empire.

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  1. Scott Newland says:

    As someone who is used to the pacing and production values of the earlier Trek series, I’m finding Discovery alternately dizzying and exciting. This particular episode, however, shocked me a few times and unsettled me (expecially the neck-snapping scene). There is obviously a long, detailed story arc that we’re working through, and I enjoyed your speculation about Lorca and Burnham and where this all might be going. The rest of season 1 is now mandatory viewing for me.
    Two quick points: When the Terran Empire was mentioned, my first thought wasn’t “Mirror, Mirror” but “America First” and the isolationist, protectionist attitude that it represents. I felt the episode was analogous to the here and now, and I applauded Star Trek for doing that. Also, you didn’t mention it but this episode was directed by Jonathan Frakes, and I felt that he did an excellent job!

    • I quite like your comment, “… my first thought wasn’t “Mirror, Mirror” but “America First” and the isolationist, protectionist attitude that it represents. I felt the episode was analogous to the here and now, and I applauded Star Trek for doing that.”
      Trek dealing with modern issues in an SF future has always been one of its best aspects.

  2. Pete2174 says:

    This was the best episode of ST:D yet and has given me a reason to continue watching. I found the first half of the season quite hard going but this had a fantastic Trek feel to it.

  3. Liam McMullin says:

    Awesome episode, guys!

    I really like the theory that Lorca is from the mirror universe. How long ago would he have crossed over given the depth of his relationships with Starfleet and Cornwell? Decades? Some time when he was a kid?

    I’m rooting for the whole crew. They really do seem to be trying to be everything we’ve come to expect from Starfleet. Culber is one of the best of them in that respect, and that’s a huge part of why it was so awful watching Voq/Ash attack him.

  4. Scrappy says:

    I haven’t been this excited for a show since Game of Thrones. This might be my favourite Star Trek series yet. I’m gonna stay away from fan theories and spoilers.

    I think mirror universe episodes in previous series weren’t that important because they did nothing to advance the story line of the prime universe. Now, however, the mirror universe and the prime universe are dependent on each other.

    When Ash Tyler killed Dr Culber, in the words of Cosmo Kramer, “I let the explitives fly!”