Discovering Mudd Again. And Again. And Again.
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Episode six of Mission Log Live covers episode seven of Star Trek: Discovery – “Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad”
This week, it’s you and John and Ken talking about the 30-minute loop. Harry Mudd is back again. And again. And again. Topics include:
Burnham’s thing for animals
Why is Mudd mad at Lorca but not Tyler?
Yesterday’s music tomorrow
Be sure to join us live: We’re on the Mission Log Facebook page every Tuesday at 7pm Pacific/10pm Eastern.
I’m with John: that Buck Rogers episode had cool music.
Like I pointed out in the Facebook chat, you can’t knock Johnny Harris’ “Odyssey” – it actually charted. It wasn’t until it was associated with Buck Rogers that it became “cheesy”. And if this is cheese…man, melt it down, pour it in a bowl, I’m gonna get some chips to go with it.
That rules. Plain & simple.
Don’t forget this legendary sci-fi music group…! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ac6d8f628f77258822e628a00cde03691d68061ca5d22a41335ba377bcc8f2f5.jpg
Not since the groovy sitar performance that took up the whole cold-open teaser of an episode of Space: 1999 have the stages of the future rocked this hard.
See, Earl, now you’re just speaking directly to me! LOL…
Clearly the Mission Log Children Of The ’70s live show needs to be put on the to-do list so we can all get away with discussing KISS and the Bee Gees and Johnny Harris all we like… but, you know, not until The Supertrain vs. Time Express Fun Hour is done.
Yep! It’s “Love, Love, Love!”
I finally found you guys..hahaha…..