Bread and Circuses
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Kirk, Spock and McCoy trace the lost spaceship The Beagle to a planet a lot like Earth. But on this planet, the Roman Empire never fell. Join John and Ken in the arena as we put Bread and Circuses in the Mission Log.
But – just exactly how did they know about about the 5th Planet from Earth’s Sun ?
Did you know that “The Children of the Sun/Son” lived in the Batcave ?
Home Video Oddity: For some unknown reason
a slightly different frame was used as the Front Cover Image of the Original VHS / Beta release as opposed to the one used for the LD version of this Episode.
Left: VHS / Beta Cover. Right: The Laserdisc Cover https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2eb55511a22ae2b05fdfd379492284a8b0836d883c20f8a2783bc26441a8583c.jpg
Weird – wonder if they simply had a better print (or negative) to work from?
Have no idea – at a complete loss to explain it, since the original DVD release used the same image as the VHS. Sometimes the pics for the LD were cropped a little different – due to the fact the images were Larger ( had to resize the LD Image above ) but, to the best of my knowledge – this is the only time something like this occurred during that series of release. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a9e2cf79d96c36d881bfb6b05f0acaf4705d0a8f4275b7c53d2e3902fb51350c.jpg
There was an unofficial sequel to this in a Next Generation novel, Captain’s Honor, where the Nova Roma people made it into space, and Picard faced his opposite number, Sejanus – the same name of a character Patrick Stewart played in the BBC miniseries I, Claudius
I like to assume that the “Son/Sun of God” is actually one of the surviving crew members of the Beagle who saw an opportunity and began teaching the “gospel”.
(sitting in the corner and smirking to myself while you guys are forced to discuss faith again)